About the project

Open Campus is a website that will allow you to discover the Main Campus of the University of Warsaw. This is not just an academic space – the campus is an open and accessible place for everyone. Visit the campus, look at the map and select the category you are interested in. There are many things to do here: post a letter, eat something, take part in an interesting event, go for a walk around the campus, relax. The website provides useful information and descriptions of selected sites. Discover the UW Main Campus with us!

The site was created as a part of the Powiśle Project – a new, alternative education program implemented by the Animation of Culture specialization at the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw. In the academic year 2017/2018, students of the specialization conducted creative research of the Powiśle district which is home to the University campus, its social, visual and sound spheres with the help of contemporary art methodology and strategies. One of the goals of the project was to initiate new relations between the University of Warsaw and its immediate surroundings – both with the local institutions and the residents of the Powiśle district. The Open Campus website was created during the Medialab workshop led by Open Culture Studio in Centrum Cyfrowe.
